It is time to say goodbye to old document processors and shift into a more professional Platform for Scientific Writing. 😎

LaTeX is simply a document processing Platform which is used world wide by scientists, mathematicians, researchers, engineers, university students and many more for composing their professional documents.

It has become so popular because of its various awesome features. Some of them are given below.

  • Automatic content table creation with hyperlinks
  • Proper management of contents in a hierarchical structure where you do not have to worry about numbering of sections, subsections, subsubsections and so on.
  • Custom environments where you can type really complex mathematical expressions really easily.
  • Easy management of bibliography using bibTex.

Check some of the pdfs rendered through LaTeX 😋

  1. Assignment Template- Including-codes, mathematical equations
  2. Assignment Template 2 Pages Compact
  3. Assignment Template 8-15 Pages
  4. Assignment Template Group- 3 pages compact
  5. Project Report Template
  6. Project Report Template with ipynb cells

All you have to do is JUST TYPE, LaTeX editor will handle and take care of the rest. Because everything other than typing is automated in this platform for your convenience.

The easiest and the most efficient way to learn LaTeX in no time, is to start using it through templates. Following repository in GitHub contains some of the templates composed by me for various assignments in university.


LaTeX-Templates repository includes templates composed using LaTeX. Feel free to download any of them and use it for your own purpose by changing the code.

  • .tex file contains the actual LaTeX code.

  • .pdf file is the resultant document for a given LaTeX code. You can first go through the .pdf file to check whether it is suitable for your purpose. And then choose the correct template.

How to use Templates

Simply follow these steps!

  1. Install a LaTeX Editor on your PC with required packages(These are like packages we install in programming languages). Refer Note section for a video with a complete guide.
  2. Download the repository.
  3. Go to the template folder you need.
  4. Change the following files.
    • .tex file –> This is where you need to replace my text with yours.
    • .bib file –> This is where you need to put your data related to bibliography. Most of the web sites provide required citation text with their publications and you need to download what is called bibTex format of citation. So you can directly copy and paste them into this .bib file. Otherwise you can simply copy and paste the URL of the publication here and it will generate required BibTeX file for you.
  5. If the template has a title page then you need to modify the title_page.tex file in the content folder.
  6. If you have any figures to be included in the document, you have to put all your figures into the figures file in order to import them into your doc as I have done.
  7. Now simply run the LaTeX code.

If you are unable to understand any of these simply Google it or look in YouTube as there are a vast number of good tutorials.


Before use these templates you need to install a LaTeX Editor. I personally prefer TeXstudio. It is up to you to choose one. Installation procedure of the editor is little different from a conventinal software installation therefore please refer following video.

  • A complete guide for installation can be found here

  • This video will be a good starting point for those who are interested in learning further. It is the one I used to learn LaTeX. In addition to that there are lots of good tutorials on YouTube! 😁